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5 Proven Steps to Book More Work

Take back the control in your acting career with these five game-changing strategies to stop your excuses, get noticed among the masses, create brand recognition, and build lasting industry relationships.

It's time to create your legacy and do more of what you love....act.

Hey there! I'm Jodie Bentley.

Being an actor can be frustrating...I know, I've been there.

After graduating from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts with a BFA in acting, I floundered for 8 years trying to piece my acting career together. My results were ok… but random and rare.

I knew there had to be a better way, so I read every freakin’ business book I could.  Within 6 months, I got my first theatrical agent, booked an Off-Broadway show and joined Actor's Equity. 

And now as an actor, producer and narrator, I have over 170+ credits including projects with Netflix, Hulu, ABC, CBS, Apple TV, FOX, TIFF, Cannes & more.

All that happened because I took business principles that work in the real world and morphed them for the actorEverything changed.

These holistic actor branding and marketing systems are what I’ll teach you to get the acting career YOU want.

So…welcome. It’s time for you to become an industry insider too.



That I've been a career coach for actors. 



Have gone through my programs.



Are where my clients can be found.



Where I built the Business of Acting programs.

You don't know what you don't know...

...and you can spend years figuring it out. In fact, you probably already have.

I'm pretty sure on multiple occasions you may have said -

Will you continue to say those things and feel that way... or change it?

Let's be real, those probably aren’t new thoughts, feelings or beliefs. They are 100% correlated with your results.

Those same thoughts, feelings and beliefs will continue to be there OR you can change them to change your career.

We've Supported Over 2300 Actors!


"Jodie is a master at helping actors build a brand that is authentic to who they are as artists.
This knowledge is crucial for a successful career."

- Eliza Cypers, Former Manager at Aspire Talent Management

Freebies and REsources

Take what you need!

Free ebook

7 Steps to be A Working Actor

When you chose to be an actor, you didn’t think - “Cool, I just became the CEO of my own business!”

I get it. Yet, you MUST be a proactive, savvy actor who understands business principles and how to leverage them to level up your career.

These 7 steps will be your roadmap.

Free Checklist

Is Your Actor Branding on Point?

 If your branding is unclear, then you’re making your acting career much harder than it has to be.  After all, a confused mind always says no.

Don't give the industry an excuse to dismiss you!

Download my free 12-step checklist to assess if your current branding is serving you or not.

Free templates

Build Casting Connections

Do you say that you’re bad at following up with casting directorsDo you realize the importance of reaching out but don't know what to say?

Relationships with casting directors tend to be forced, not nurtured. 

These templates will 100% change all that and help you reach out authentically and with ease.

Still confused about where to start?

Here are my top 3 blog posts!

Branding for Actors: Why you need one & How to do it.

Casting directors, agents, and industry folks don’t have all the time in the world to figure out who you are. You must distill your message of who you are as an actor in 8 seconds or less. Here's how.

How NOT to Communicate with Your Agent

Yes, you got an agent for your acting career! Unfortunately, I see actors make the same mistakes over and over again when it comes to communicating with their agents. Don't fall prey to these...

How to Master Networking for Your Acting Career

Every actor has to network. The key to be a genuine networker is to become a masterful at introductions. You'll be seen as a connector and make a great first impression everytime.

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At Actor Insider, we have an actionable commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. As actors and artists, we believe that empathy and compassion begins with us. We embrace all races, genders, abilities, disabilities, ages, shapes, LGBTQIA2+ identities, immigrant statuses and economic levels of freedom. You will be seen, heard, valued and respected. Through honoring the African diaspora and all cultural diasporas, we constantly strive for connection and belonging. We hold our artist community high to fuel change and growth in the entertainment industry.

© 2024 Bentley Creative Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


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