To say we as actors and freelancers are in a new normal with COVID-19 upon us is an understatement. The panic, sadness, frustration, fear, grief – it seems we’re on a bit of an emotional roller coaster as new info comes out every day. Sometimes every hour. I understand.

And I want to remind you, that you’re not alone. We might be social distancing, but we’re very much in this together. ❤️

As we all start hunkering down for the next few weeks and binge-watching everything, I want to say thank you and I see you to all the actors and artists. Art and entertainment heals the world, provides escapism, connects people, and makes people feel every emotion under the sun. That is because of YOU!

So, to all the actors, writers, directors, producers, production crew, etc. who are out of work now, thank you for contributing your voice to this industry. I know we will back.

The question is, what do we do in the meantime?

Of course, Netflix is probably on the top of your list, and here are my top 10 things to stay creative and sane in the new normal

1. Keep your Daily Routine
Yes, you may have a bit more free time on your hands, and I still invite you to keep your daily routine. Get up when you normally get up. Work out. Walk the dog. Drink your coffee. Write in your journal. Whatever your daily ritual is, do it. To eliminate the chaotic feeling that is permeating our culture, you get to create a sense of normalcy that starts with your routine and what your mind and body are used to.

2. Meditate, Walk or do Something Centering
To stay sane and nurture your spirit, consider meditating. Meditation can come in many forms. Meditating in silence, a guided meditation, taking a walk, breathwork, stream of consciousness writing, holding a yoga pose, chanting, etc. I invite you to find some way to center yourself, connect to the earth and feel grounded.

3. Social Distance but Don’t retreat
So yeah, we may not be able to have a coffee meeting or a cocktail with our bestie at the local bar. But we can connect over Facetime, Skype or Zoom. Schedule calls with friends. Create your own Google Hangout Happy Hour. Create a book club over Zoom. Throw a dance party on Skype with your artist friends. We thrive on connection. Let’s not lose that. It keeps us happy and fulfilled. Sure, we may just have to work a bit harder to create it, so what. It’s worth it.

4. Focus on What you Can Control in Your Acting Business
I trust in 1-2 months we’ll see an upswing in our business. I invite you to be ready. And yes, auditions have slowed down, I get it. That’s why now is the perfect time to focus on all things business that you’ve either been putting off or haven’t had time for. Build your brand, tweak your marketing materials, refine your casting profiles, do industry research, create your headshot looks for your next shoot, build your productivity systems, create a social media strategy, create a contact management system, craft your 30-second blurb, etc. You can feel your feelings AND be proactive towards what you want in your life. Remember that this time, this space, is temporary.

(I know a lot of you need support in this area. So, I’m reopening registration to The Actors Think Tank. And look, I also get that finances are a concern right now, so if this is not an option, just move on to #5. Reminder that membership is only $40/month. You can even join for a month, share it with a friend,  get through as many exercises as you can, join the group coaching call and the group training and ask as MANY questions as you want in the VIP group. I’m here for you.)

5. Create Online Work Sessions
To stay accountable and committed to your goals and vision, create online work sessions with a proactive artist friend. Take 10 min and check-in with each other and then set a timer and get to work! No talking, just working side by side virtually 🙂 A great way to not feel isolated while working at home.

6. Close Your Open Loops
What’s an open loop you ask? Any project that has been weighing on you that you’ve yet to complete. Taxes, house projects, finishing a book, following up with someone, organizing your closet, cleaning your kitchen cabinets, updating your contacts, etc. We never get to these things because we blame time. Well….that excuse is off the table. Let’s close up some loops and free up mental space and time for the future.

7. Get Creative and Practice Your Craft!
Create a Facetime, Zoom or Google Hangout and cold read scripts with other actors, read plays, have discussions, do a dance class, do improv games, ANYTHING!!!! You might not be able to physically go to classes right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative and practice on your own.

8. Create, Create, Create
I know you hear all the time about how creating your own stuff is imperative. A lot of you don’t do that either out of fear or lack of time. I invite you to push through the fear and let those creative juices flow. Write that script you’ve always wanted to, brainstorm out ideas for a web series, write and record that song that’s been in your head, outline that short film, develop a new character, etc. Carve out time to create!

9. Examine Your Expenses
Now for a dose of reality. I invite you to really look at your monthly expenses. How much are you spending and on what? Where can you cut back right now? What’s important? What can take a back seat? What subscriptions can you put on hold? What can you eliminate for now? Get honest with yourself. Know this is temporary. Really decide what’s important for you now and what can wait.

10. Limit News Consumption
This goes without saying. It’s a fact that too much of watching the news can spiral us down into panic and fear. For the most part, it’s the same stuff recycled over and over again and regurgitated in a different way. Check-in 1x a day. Find the news source you trust. Stay out of the panic news watching cycle. I know it’s easier said than done. And, if you’re already doing the 9 other things on this list, you won’t even have time for this!

Health Bonus Tip:
It’s also important right now to keep your immune system strong. Whether you’re increasing your Vitamin D, Vitamin C or Zinc, or maybe taking oregano oil or apple cider vinegar. Obviously reducing stress and getting enough sleep are great ways to accomplish this as well.

Well, team, I’ll say it again, this is temporary. Let’s all stay positive, create calm not panic and be compassionate to ourselves and everyone around us.

I, for one, can’t wait to see what art is created from this time. Sending you so much love and health.

P.S. Wash your hands! 🙂