Happy New Decade! 2020 is here. Woo-hoo!

Time to set those goals and begin the journey of creating your vision for this new year.

Now look, January is easy. It’s exciting and fun, right? A new year. A new chance to accomplish all that you want. So, you vow to do things differently and jump on into 2020.

Then Feb and March roll around…#uhoh

Things become a little less exciting and old patterns creep back in. Those patterns lead you back into the cozy familiar feeling of…your comfort zone.

Nothing great happens in your comfort zone. And I know you’ve got great things to accomplish.

You stay in your comfort zone because of that little four-letter word: FEAR.

Fear will appear. It’s inevitable. Fear causes stasis. You don’t have time for stasis. You’ve got sh*t to do!

When that silly word rears its ugly head, remember these four things:

1. Everyone feels fear.

Let me say that again, EVERYONE feels fear. You’re not special in that you feel fear. What matters is how you react to it.

2. Be in action so you don’t have time for fear!

Fear creeps in when you give it the space to appear. Keep in action and moving towards what you desire. Your fear will rear its ugly head when it has nothing better to do. 

3. Move towards your fear not away from it.

Push into your fear. If you don’t it will win. When you feel the fear, take action immediately or else the fear grows and grows. That makes it so much harder to move forward and easier to retreat. As Nike says – Just do it!

4. Stop convincing yourself that you’re satisfied.

You have big goals and big dreams that get to be achieved in 2020.  Complacency is the killer of those dreams. Risk in thinking bigger.

So…look, you’ve got two choices:

  1. Get out of your comfort zone and risk!
  2. Stay comfortable and settle.

Is that harsh? Hell yeah. Because it’s true.

So, let’s replace that word FEAR with a new one, shall we?

I dub 2020 the year of RISK.

I invite you to play big, and risk big because your vision is greater than your fear.

As you jump into 2020, brainstorm a list of 50 ‘outside your comfort zone’ actions you could possibly do for your career and life. These may be scary. ie. Call the agent I want to work with, call the production company I want to pitch my script to, do stand-up, raise my rates, tell him how I really feel, etc.

Schedule one of these in your calendar twice a month and see what happens when you release your fear and break through your comfort zone.

And remember, fear is just thinking about all that could go wrong. Instead, think about all that will go right.

Your dreams are too important. Let’s RISK together in 2020.

Ready for some support with a strategy for your acting career? Let’s schedule a free 30 min strategy session.

“Since I’ve been working with Jodie, I’ve accomplished more in 3 months than I had in the past 10 years.”
-Andrew Kirkley, Actor & Producer