2021 is here! We made it! We did it! Huzzah! 

A new year. A new chance to recommit and refocus to what is in your heart for your acting career and your life.

I’m not going to spend time in this article saying 2020 wasn’t we expected and a whirlwind, etc, etc. We all know this deeply because we lived it.

The question is…what do we do now?

As I took some downtime over the holiday break, I kept thinking about my theme for 2021. 2020 for me was the Year of Risk and well, it definitely lived up to that. I’m always talking about risk, courage and fearlessness, at the start of the year.

None of that felt right now.

Right now, we’re at a place where we’ve never been before. We’re on the precipice of great change in our industry, in ourselves and in our country. A place of longing for a new way, a better way.

At the core of that is hope.

A seed of hope just waiting to be nurtured by you.

A seed of hope inviting you to start fresh.

Here’s what I think 2021 is all about – Possibility.

There are limitless possibilities and so many ways to get things done and achieve your vision.

Sometimes you get stuck on the expectations you might have that it must look a certain way. 2020 certainly pulled the rug out from under that, which created chaos and feeling stuck.

Feeling stuck = lack.

Feeling curious = possibility.

As we start this first full work week of 2021, I invite you to be curious. I invite you to find new ways of doing what you want to do. I urge you to live in the possibility. 

As you’re planning your goals and strategy ask yourself: 

  • How can I think outside the box?
  • How can I take action from my heart, not the excuses in my mind?
  • How can I stay open to all the potential opportunities?
  • How can I be curious and receptive?
  • How can I see the glass half full?

You are so powerful.

I know you can create and manifest anything you want when you simply stay open. 

I have no expectations of 2021, except one – that I will choose to live in possibility always, in all ways. 

I trust you will too.