Happy Thanksgiving, my fellow actors and artists ?

So grateful for you and your creative passion!

As we enter the holiday season, it’s so full of joy and love and gratitude…

…and…….it also can be filled with dwelling on the past, wishing for more, focusing on what you don’t have and feeling a bit like the ‘grass is always greener.’

I was reminded of my client, Rosa, who in our mastermind group this past week was feeling a bit down. I reminded her of all the bookings she had over the past two months, as well as the growth as an actor and a human she experienced, AND of her brand new headshots which are phenomenal! Sometimes we can’t see what is in front of our own face. ??‍♀️She acknowledged her wins and reframed her lack into gratitude.

Watch my video for my top 3 tips on being grateful and mindful as we roll into this holiday season.

Ready to make 2020 different? Let’s schedule a free 30 min strategy session.

Also, next week will be a bit different. Keep a lookout in your inbox on Tuesday for an invitation to my free online masterclass coming up in December 😉 I do this webinar only one time a year so you don’t want to miss it. Especially if you’re ready to live up to what you’re capable of in 2020.