As 2020 wraps up, I want you to know something…

You are a powerful force.

You traversed through a dark time as you shone your light.

You adapted and shifted as you gained more knowledge.

You felt your feelings of uncertainty as you leaned into joy.

You allowed doubt to appear as you tapped into deep belief.

You navigated unknown waters as you recalibrated the course.

You learned new skills as you owned your power and vision.

You reached out for support as you supported others.

…and you came out on the other side.

I honor you for the journey you went on this year.

A journey of mixed feelings.

A journey of highs and lows existing simultaneously.

And look at you now.

No matter what feeling is present, I know deep down there is hope.

A seed of hope just waiting to be nurtured by you to keep growing.

I invite you to keep watering that seed.

Our industry needs you.

It needs your talent and your voice.

It needs your heart and your point of view.

It needs you – because you are a powerful force.

Own it.

Live it.

It’s your time.