So…. how do you promote yourself and build relationships in a digital world?

Your online presence and the way you correspond with folks online, speaks VOLUMES about who you are. Even more so now as our industry has gone more digital.

What we’re really talking about in terms of building relationships and promoting yourself is SALES. 

I always say Sales = Sharing.

You get to share your gift with the world. What do I mean by that? Just. Be. Human. Relationships are created and built when our connections are really heartfelt and authentic.

If promoting the web series you were in, or the trailer of your film, or your new reel, or the song you just recorded is part of your current plan, I invite you to frame it in a way that comes from your heart.

For example –

”Hey everyone! I trust you’re healthy and well. You know, as I sit and binge-watch every show under the sun, I’m reminded of how much art heals. I felt compelled to share this web series I was a part of. Huge shout out to the creators who brought their creative vision to life! It made me laugh, I hope you will too.”

Do you feel that difference?  It’s about the world, not YOU. It’s about being inclusive and not ego-centric. That is what creates connection.

If reaching out to agents and managers is your current goal, remember that you’ve got to be human. 

I would first off, pay attention to their Twitter or Instagram. Research them, and be curious. It’s simply about being authentic.

The opening of your email to an agent or manager could be something like this:

”Hey [First Name],  I trust you’re healthy and well as the industry picks up. I’ve had an intense year of reflection, growth and bookings. I see your clients have been moving and shaking as well. You’ve been on my list for a while now, and I felt compelled to reach out, especially after reading your latest post on Instagram.”

Acknowledge the state of the world, be human, come from a place of understanding and truth. You can never go wrong when you’re vulnerable.

In all of your correspondence, take care of people by expressing genuine interest in who they are and how they are.

Three things you can do right now to build relationships:

  1. Every day choose someone you’ve worked with (director, writer, producer, fellow actor) and reach out! Let them know you were thinking of them and you trust they are well. Show gratitude and don’t ask for a thing.

  2. If you have agents or managers on your team or casting director’s you know well, reach out to them and take care of them. Ask how they are and if they need anything? People in positions of power or perceived power, are rarely asked how they are. They are always asked for something.

  3. Who would you love to connect with? I had a huge production read one of my features, a client of mine is having an email exchange with a big director/producer right now that she had no previous connection with. Make a wish list of industry folks, reach out and be human and vulnerable.

Just because we’re building relationships online doesn’t mean we get to stop taking risks or think outside the box.

Those of us who find true connection from a vulnerable place and push our own boundaries will be really successful. Here’s to your success! Just come from your heart.