So much of what I hear from my clients right now is that they feel out of balance. Can you relate?

Let’s be honest, there’s been a lot going in our world right now. Mentally, emotionally and physically.

So many of you are showing up and standing up for what you believe in, while pursuing acting careers, while being in quarantine, while wanting to take care of yourself while wanting to be there for friends and family. #phew

No wonder we feel out of balance.

Here are 4 steps to get back in balance to run this marathon.

Want to dig deeper into finding balance and elevating your career?

Get a FREE 5 Day Trial to the The Actor’s Think Tank Membership

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and not sure what to do, well….I created a structure for you to be ready for when we’re back AND be cognizant of your feelings.

Here’s just a few things you’ll accomplish in The Actor’s Think Tank:

  • build your brand
  • define your passion
  • examine your excuses and limiting beliefs
  • tweak your marketing materials
  • refine your casting profiles
  • overhaul your IMDb
  • do industry research
  • create your headshot looks for your shoot this summer
  • build your productivity systems
  • create a social media strategy
  • establish a contact management system
  • craft your 30-second blurb
  • design your agent/manager strategy

Get your Free 5 Day Trial so you can explore The Actor’s Think Tank, see the value and feel the support.

After that, membership is only $40/month.

When you join, you also get a monthly group coaching call over Zoom, a group monthly training on a specialized topic and you can ask as MANY questions as you want in the VIP FB group.

I’m here for you. Get your free trial HERE.

Woman next to a testimonial about jodie Bentley Career Coach