Goal setting and planning can feel challenging right now because of all the unknowns. There are so many uncertain things and we’re in a fragile time.

Yes, some productions are back and if someone is diagnosed on a set the whole thing could be shut down immediately.

So….planning ahead seems a bit moot. 

Here’s my take on it and a simple way to move forward in control without the chaos.

Join The Actor’s Think Tank Open Community on FB!

This Facebook group is about being proactive, not reactive. It’s a free forum for all actors who wish they were further along.

I’ll be here providing content to motivate and encourage you on your path, as well as give you proactive tangible steps to level up. You get to ask your questions, connect with other like-minded movers and shakers, and use the power of the group mind to get where you want to go.

Click HERE to join the group.