The holidays are here! I still can’t freakin’ believe 2019 is coming to a close.  I originally wanted to share with you some tips for actors to have a stress-free holiday and find balance going into 2020…. but I felt a more pressing subject to discuss.

As the year wraps up, I feel my clients and the universe keep reminding me of one thing…

…always shine your light, especially in the darkness.

The end of the year can bring up a lot of emotions.

Feelings of self-doubt.
Feelings of frustration.
Feelings of shame for not accomplishing everything you wanted.
Feelings of guilt for feeling that shame! (Man, our minds are cruel.)

The cycle can go on and on. 

The new year feels like a fresh start somehow. So, you tend to jump in full force ready to break out of your comfort zone and go!

Then Feb and March roll around…. le sigh.

A lot of people feel the momentum wane and fear kick in.

Do you know what I think a lot of that fear is about?

As actors, we put our asses on the line all the time. We’re constantly sharing our talent from the audition room to the internet. We’re posting about our successes, sharing our point of view, marketing ourselves, promoting our shows, etc.

And man, that takes courage, right?!

A lot of people dim their light in this world and don’t share their talent and who they are because of fear.

I gotta say, I get it. I was kicking and screaming when I first joined Facebook and Twitter. I was afraid to share who I was because I didn’t want “the judgement”. I was being ruled by my limiting beliefs even before I started.

Fast forward many years later and I’ve since embraced social media and the act of promotion. Not 100% without fear, but it doesn’t stop me from shining my light.

Apparently, the universe thought I needed to solidify this lesson one more time in this decade. Thanks, universe.

I posted something on Twitter recently about the free masterclasses that I just hosted and a gentleman who I do not know said this on my post –

“You have a very high opinion yourself, little lady… “

I felt like I was slapped in the face. My deep desire to be a people pleaser leapt out of me and I felt small.

I paused. I regained my strength and reminded myself of who I am and what I stand for.

Then I responded –

“I do? I’ll let my deep insecurities and fear know. Just putting myself and my opinions, and my knowledge out there. Isn’t that what we all do?”

I won’t even bore you with his response. Cruelty doesn’t get to be repeated.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Well, it reminded me of my favorite quote the year I moved to NYC –

To be a star, you must shine your own light, following your own path, and don’t worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest.” – Anonymous

As 2019 comes to a close, be honest with yourself on where you dimmed your light. Was it in self-protection? To not rock the boat? To be a people pleaser? Where did you let your fear of outside judgment or cruelty stop you in your tracks?

I invite you to begin 2020 owning your talent, your power, and your vibe! And to always shine your light, even in the darkness. That’s when it matters most.

To break through the fear and shine – watch this video of my client Doug. He joined my Dare to be Unstoppable course in 2018 and great things happened for him 🙂

Registration for the course happens once a year and closes on Dec 21st. Click for more info –

Doug Shapiro – Dare to be Unstoppable Grad