How can you expect to move forward in your acting career, if you don’t know where you’ve been? 

I have to say, by not assessing what has been working and not working for you so far this year, you’re self-sabotaging your plan before it even starts!

If you’re being reactive in your career instead of proactive to your career desires…

…you will be living in obligation and doing things because you’ve always done them. 

Let’s face it, there’s a lot of obligation going on in our business.

I should do VoiceOver.
I should do this self-tape challenge.
I should be watching every Instagram Live.
I should be writing a screenplay.
I should be working out every day.

You’ve got to remember, it’s knowing what you MUST do not what you SHOULD do!

What makes you get up every day to pursue your dreams still? Or get on all those Zoom calls! Or deal with rejection on a nearly constant basis? 

If you can’t state this clearly, chances are good you haven’t taken the time to consider and specify what it is you deeply desire. 

How do you start to assess?  You get to remember your why! And tap back into your big vision.  

You must know where you’re going in order to navigate the day-to-day of your life and career. How do you know what to do if you haven’t figured out where you really want to go? Or if you’re second-guessing it right now.

When I talk about big vision, I mean what you deeply desire in your career and in your life. I think we’ve all lost sight of that a little bit right now.

Of course, many of you are feeling pulled into so many directions now and that causes overwhelm. FOMO is running rampant! 

So, it’s vital to tap back into what you REALLY want in your career. Then you get to give your vision a structure. No one will do that for you.

I invite you to:

  • Brainstorm or journal on where you want to be in one month, two months, six months, one year, two years, five years, 10 years, and 20 years.
  • Be as specific as possible about what you want and where you want to be. 

And look, take the pressure off. This gets to be fun, it’s your vision for your career and life!

You wouldn’t start a road trip without knowing a tentative drive. Why would you make career decisions without giving it shape and a destination? Tap back into your why and this will all become clear.