A membership of my proven step by step system to showcase you, your brand,
and your talent - taking you from outsider to in-demand actor in a year or less.

Think back to when you first started acting...

Remember the excitement, the dreams, and the passion you had?

Now, imagine how much further along you could be today if you'd known then what you know now. 

It’s a tough reality to face, but you don’t know what you don’t know.  And it can take years to figure it all out. I’ve been there. 

Even if you've had some success, I know there have been times when you’ve felt:

Frustrated, as if your submissions are just disappearing into a void
Disheartened by the lack of opportunities and the business side of the industry
Overwhelmed to the point where you feel paralyzed and end up doing nothing
Feel like nothing is happening despite taking multiple acting classes and courses

These feelings can be isolating and make you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, hoping for change that never comes.

If you're truly honest with yourself, you know you’re not where you want to be...yet.

Giving up is not an option! So stop wasting time & money and finally -


Eliminate blocks and excuses to get out of your own way.

Be Remembered

Package and pitch your bookable brand to get known faster.

Book More

Leverage proven strategy to create more booking opportunites.

And you don't have to go-it-alone anymore. The Actor's Think Tank gives you the right content, community and coaching to reach your next level. And I get in the trenches with you every step of the way.

Within 2 weeks of following the agent strategy she had a manager, a theatrical agent & a commercial agent!

Since working with Jodie, I’ve had CD’s say “I love your look,
you know what your doing
I followed her strategy for finding representation in The Actor's Think Tank®. Within an hour of my

first email blast, I had 5 meetings set up. Two weeks later, I signed with a new agent, new commercial agent and my first manager! Every one of my meetings said my press kit was perfect and
they knew exactly how to sell me.  
The Think Tank was instrumental in getting me prioritizing. Because of insight I gained into my
own chaos & how to stop it, I was able to shoot
my first movie as a producer/writer in 4 weeks!

Angela Dirksen, Actress, Writer, Producer

Signed with a theatrical agent and a commercial agent, increased his
income and opened doors!

Holy cow what we’ve accomplished! I systematically approached my branding and headshot prep and my new shots are brand-centric and gorgeous. I landed a new theatrical and commercial agent and  I just got called in to audition for my dream show and got a callback!   I was also was challenged to boost my business role-play and standardized patient work with a pitch video and Linked-In testimonials all woven into an effective webpage.  That in combination with the pitch e-mails continues to bring in work. I have more jobs than I can handle now! Jodie & Think Tank are such a blessing in my life for a thousand reasons.

Doug Shapiro, Actor, Singer, Business Role-Player

Hey there! I’m Jodie Bentley, an NYU Tisch trained actor, producer and audiobook narrator who's worked for Netflix, Hulu, ABC, CBS, Apple TV & more.

Since 2008, I’ve helped actors achieve their goals, stop the self-sabotage, build their authentic brand, package their marketing tools, network like a boss, and land agents and managers.

And I totally get being overwhelmed & frustrated as an actor.

When I graduated NYU, I had no clue what I was doing when it came to the business side. I literally floundered for 8 years trying to piece a career together. My results were ok… but random and rare. I was missing something, but didn't know what.

I was so sick of not knowing exactly what to do that I read every freakin’ business book I could get my hands on. 

Then the light bulb moment - I'm a product AND I'm a business owner! I started taking branding and business  principles that worked in the real world and morphed them for our creative profession.

I built my acting biz  authentically, smartly & holistically... everything changed.

Within 6 months, I got my Actors Equity card, my first theatrical agent, an Off-Broadway show, and I got to do the cast recording with Stephen Schwartz. 

I finally had the info I didn’t know I needed to know. Now you will too...

As an actor, there’s no roadmap to get where you want to go, but you need one!

If You've Ever Said...

I want to get in more rooms and don't know how!

I want to have a plan and a strategy that I follow through on!

I want headshots that feel like me and get me auditions!

I want to feel confident about pitching myself!

I want representation who gets me and who I love!

I want to be an advocate for myself in this crazy business!

I want to stop making excuses and getting in my own way!

I want someone in my corner showing me what to do!

The Actor's Think Tank® is a 7 Step Proven System to take the mystery out of acting success and help you embrace the biz of acting with ease. 

You'll massively accelerate your progress so you never spend another year 
regretting you weren't further along.

Wished she knew about The Actors Think Tank® when she first started out. Her booking ratio increased 200%!

Jodie delves into topics, such as creating your brand and how 
to market yourself with such detail that you don’t feel like
you are lost, overwhelmed. She provides
worksheets and exercises on branding that are interactive, fun and make
you think outside the box
to give you a deeper sense of self! 
It will truly save you time, energy and money by having
her insight and support from 
the get go. I've booked SO MANY projects. I now have a competitive reel.
I even booked a play that took me to NYC!

Rosa Pill, Actor

Finally has the career they want built on their values and a brand they love, then signed with a Manager who gets them!

I'd felt totally out of control in my career. Jodie helped me take that power back by helping me align with my core values and crafting concrete, manageable, actionable steps. It made me feel so much more confident and powerful. Destigmatizing the idea of branding  completely changed the game for me - we crafted exciting new materials like my reel, website, and headshots. Then I signed with a management team who completely "get" me and believe in me! Jodie helped me make the strides I'd been dreaming of with sensitivity, kindness, expertise, and hilarity!

Eliza BlairActor

The 7 Steps of Actor's Think Tank®

The Actor's Think Tank® addresses 57 topics of the Acting Business to design the career you want. 

What took me 8 years to figure out after I graduated acting school, will take you mere months. 

1. Personalization

Be 100% confident in the choices you make without regret or FOMO by knowing your Values as you learn to master and reframe your Excuses and Limiting Beliefs.

2. Passion

Stop second guessing everything with your 20 Year Plan! When you know what REALLY lights you up, overwhelm is gone and replaced with joy and fulfillment.


Sick of blaming time and not hittingyour goals? You’ll get my BADASS Goal Setting System plus all my productivity tools to give you a structure and freedom.

4. Product

Take your power back by knowing what you sell and the stories you tell. Embrace your Brand to break your brand, in a way that is authentic and breaks down doors.


Get your best headshots ever with my Killer Headshot Prep and craft ALL your brand-centric marketing materials to be remembered, always.


Uncover your limiting money beliefs and understand your Monthly Nut. Implement a Financial System to stop the anxiety and watch your money grow.

7. Pitch & Promotion

Share who you are effortlessly & interview like a boss to land your dream team with my Art of the Interview prep. Make networking fun and create authentic connections.

Active Online CommunitY

Grow your community with like-minded actors in The Actor’s Think Tank® Online Group. I'm in there answering your questions!

Booked her first series regular role, revamped her business, and has a career in multiple markets!

I absolutely have gotten a lot out of The Actor's Think Tank!
And very happy to have been in the program - thank you so
much for all the value!

I booked my very first series regular, booked a principal role in an international feature, and my 3rd short film as a director/producer has been selected for several festivals and has won seven awards! Thank you so much Jodie for being my coach!

Camilla Roman, Actor, Writer

Shifted her mindset, signed with a top-tier Manager and her booking ratio increased by over 400%

Jodie Bentley is an incredible mentor and human being.
 I've become so much more optimistic about my acting career and have made steady progress. Her immense knowledge in branding, marketing, and the business of the acting is extremely helpful from beginners to industry veterans. I’ve booked multiple projects this year including a supporting role in a feature film opposite Jamie Dornan and Anthony Mackie. I set a goal for myself of getting a new manager and I’m in the process of taking 7 meetings with 3 offers on the table. This stuff works!"

Natasha Tin Lui, Actor

BONUS! Let's Talk Extras.

In addition to our entire 7 step program and online community, you also get an extensive video training library including ALL past calls and trainings, discounts on other tools and services for your career,  AND you also get --

Two LIVE  Monthly Q&A Coaching Calls

I want you to apply everything you learn as fast as you can!  Twice a month, I'll see you LIVE  to address your specific questions as you work your way through the steps of the Think Tank.

Weekly Co-Working Sessions

 Accountability is how we get shit done! So... 4x a month - yes every week, my team holds a work session for you to get work done towards your careers and stay accountable to yourself. 

Monthly Specialized Training

Every month a guest teacher who's an industry expert mover and shaker will support you in moving forward in your career. The topics will go deep into multiple facets of your career.

Monthly Goal
Planning Session

Want to you stay focused on your career & life goals? You’ll assess the previous month and bring in your top 3 goals and break them down into milestones, projects and tasks for the next month.

So...how much does it cost?

Let's break down the value of the Think Tank membership
FOR ONE YEAR in relation to other actor courses, workshops and trainings.

Access to the Complete Course, Templates, Worksheets and Examples - $2700
Two Live Monthly Coaching Calls - $6000
Monthly Specialized Training - $3000
Weekly Co-Working Sessions - $1500
Direct Access to your Coach and a Community of like-minded actors - INVALUABLE

TOTAL VALUE: $13,200

You get all of this for only $97/month!

OR Choose Your Best Plan...

Most Popular 🔥

The Content

Choose this plan if you're on a budget and just want all the content, lessons, worksheets, templates and examples.

The Complete 7 Step Working
Actor System
Worksheets, exercises, templates & examples for over 57 lessons!
Go month-to-month and cancel anytime.

Get 2 months free when you join yearly AND two other high value bonuses!


The Community

All the content PLUS a thriving community, bi-monthly coachings, a monthly training and a monthly strategy sesson.

Everything in The Content
Two LIVE Monthly Q&A Coaching
Calls with Jodie Bentley
Monthly LIVE Training w/Special Industry Guest 
Monthly Goal Planning Strategy Session to Stay on Track
Weekly Accountability Work Sessions to Stay on Track!
Access to past Q&A Calls & Trainings
Thriving Online Community for Ongoing Coaching & Networking
Go month-to-month and cancel anytime!

Get 2 months free when you join yearly AND two other high value bonuses!


The Mastermind

All the content, community and coaching, while you do the work in a group of 4 actors coached one-on-one by Jodie bi-weekly.

Everything in The Community
Work Directly with Jodie in a Small Group to Move Forward Faster
Bi-Weekly One-on-One Coaching
in a Group of 4 Actors Max
Your Next Actions Defined and Strategized in Every Session 
Log Your Progress Bi-Weekly and
Stay Accountable 
Private App to Ask Questions and
Get Coached Between Sessions 
3 Accountability Partners to Keep
You on Track!
A Career Coach by Your Side

6-Month commitment required.


What Actors Like You Are Saying

Finally got brand-centric headshots and marketing materials that work, signed with a manager and booked a feature!

By working through the steps in The Actor’s Think Tank®  I got clear on my brand and the stories I want to tell, aligned all of my marketing materials,  implemented a social media and  outreach plan that felt authentic and effective. 

I quickly signed with a new manager and, less than 10 months after starting with the Think Tank, I’m writing this testimonial from MI where I’m shooting an independent feature film starring Morgan Freeman and Cole Hauser! 

Jodie helped me strategize my move back to Europe, revisit and adapt my branding and marketing materials to this new market and connect me with other actors in her network to get insights and advice from across the pond. I'm already on my third booking since arriving in Paris and am rehearsing for a feature film that begins in early April.

I know I wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t been for the work I did with Jodie.

-Luke McClure

Doubled her income,  now has the marketing tools to back up her talent AND booked multiple projects!

I’m a big fan of Jodie’s branding process in TATT and how that has informed my new headshots. Working with Jodie on my branding has been a game changer for me. 

I think what’s been the biggest internal change, is the confidence to market myself knowing my worth and feeling that I have the power to direct my career where I want it to go.

Results so far: I managed to double my yearly income - in the pandemic - by focusing on expanding my network, and marketing myself effectively. I’m on track to double my income again this year.

- Loveday Smith

Moved to LA and signed with a manager and an agent!

Working with Jodie and the TATT community has been extremely helpful to my career! Jodie has helped me with my branding, headshot preparation, website and other marketing materials. 

We worked together to create 4 distinct looks for the type of roles that I would be submitting for. I got to go into my headshot session with clarity and awareness of what I needed to capture. She is so knowledgeable about the industry and I learned a lot from her expertise. 

Everything I learned helped me move to Los Angeles and immediately sign with an agent and a manager. I've been getting consistent auditions.

Being part of the TATT community has made me feel not alone in navigating my career and it has helped me develop a positive mindset as I move forward with my goals.

- Noreen Quadir

His career is going strong in 4 markets with his new brand-centric marketing tools and another agent on his team.

Before working with Jodie there was something missing in my career. Working internationally and straddling two different worlds,  I never knew how to succinctly define myself, my work and where I wanted to be. After working with Jodie this has all changed. In a few words I can confidently tell you what I am all about and what I want out of this business.

I just filmed a supporting role in a feature film and booked another feature shooting in LA . I’ve added a Canadian agent to my team and my manager campaign is going great as I’ve had three solid meetings. Just the other day I was asked to come onboard and produce a short film in Miami.

The Actor's Think Tank® is a  fantastic tool for us as actors and allows us to confidently make a mark in this industry. You have to KNOW every part of your business. Jodie helps you get there. We're very lucky to have someone like Jodie in our corner.

- Rupinder Nagra

Shed her limiting beliefs, recurring on a major network pilot and is opening doors she never dreamed possible!

Since working with Jodie, I’ve made major strides on the business side of my acting career. With The Actor’s Think Tank®, I was able to identify the limiting beliefs that were getting in my way, figured out what drives me to be an actor, set concrete goals that I could actually achieve on practical timeline, figure out what product I’m selling and how best to market it, and give myself a system to manage my money and watch it grow.

I now have brand-specific headshots that tell casting exactly who I am as an actor. Plus, the confidence I’ve gained has really shown in my auditions, so that I’m now recurring on a major network pilot, starring in what’s essentially a one-woman play, and getting called in for auditions and callbacks for studios and production companies I never thought I had a prayer of getting in front of before.

- Kay-Megan Washington

Get the facts...

I've taken hundreds of classes by now. How's your membership different?

I get it. There are definitely classes out there to learn how to network, how to get an agent, how to market yourself, etc. And it sounds like you've taken some of them. 

The Actor's Think Tank is a complete 7 Step Proven System for ALL areas of your acting business. 

You'll learn all my clear-cut strategies and techniques for:

  1. Mindset
  2. Branding
  3. Packaging
  4. Marketing
  5. Social Media
  6. Getting an Agent
  7. Headshots
  8. Pitching
  9. Networking
  10. Interview Prep
  11. Goals & Milestones
  12. Productivity
  13. Finances
  14. Relationship building
  15. Actor lifestyle

Why learn all these systems in multiple trainings and courses? You can't have one piece without the other, they're all interconnected!

You deserve to have all the info you need to create a holistic and successful career. That's what makes the Think Tank different.

Plus, I'm a working actor and updating information as the trends of the time dictate.

Do these strategies really work?

Yes, they work. 2300+ actors in 17 countries can't be wrong.

Why? They are business fundamentals that I've taken and morphed for our creative business. Business fundamentals always work. That's why these strategies can be applied in any market such as LA, NYC, London, Australia, Germany, Netherlands, and more.

This is not something I tried once that worked only for me. Since 2008, hundreds of my clients have found success by utilizing them.

I work full-time and I don't have a lot of time for courses. Will this fit in my schedule?

Most actors have another job for income. I get it. Your time gets to be used wisely. 

Will this fit in your schedule? Absolutely.

This is a self-guided course, so you can go at your own pace. With 8 events a month to support you in staying on track, you can take your time and stay connected to the community as you need.

Even 20 min a day OR 30 minutes 3x a week of focused energy on your acting career will help move the needle on your acting career substantially.

You can do that, right?

It sounds expensive. I don't have that kind of money right now?

Buying a course to get an agent or how to build relationships or how to brand yourself will cost you well over $500 EACH.

You can get started with the Think Tank for just $47/month. That will give you ALL my systems, content, lessons, worksheets, templates, examples. 

Stay for a month or stay for 2 years. The choice is yours. You will never find a more robust program at a lower cost. 

I'm an actor like you, I get it. I want this membership to be comprehensive, all-inclusive and affordable.

I'm an actor returning to the biz, will this work for me? 

Short answer, YES!!! 

If you've left the biz for awhile, the whole industry has changed. The content in the Think Tank, as well as the coachings and trainings, will prepare you for what the industry is now. 

You can't do what you've done and expect it to work now. The Think Tank will prepare you for a successful re-launch.

So many of my clients are women and men who had kids and are coming back to the business. You are in the right place.

What is the daily time-commitment for the membership?

The daily time commitment is what you make it to be.

Want to consistently give 20 minutes a day? Great! 60 min a day? Great! 30 min 3x a week? Great!

Make it work for you and your schedule. That's the beauty of the program.

If you need help crafting a schedule let me know and I can support you in the membership.

Has an actor been made famous from your membership?

If you're looking for fame, this course isn't for you. You can become famous on TikTok as an influencer if that's your end goal. 

The actors in this membership become working actors.  Working on Broadway, regional theater, in TV from co-stars to guest stars to series regulars, in film as supporting and leading roles, in VoiceOver... you name it. 

The Think Tank is designed to build your acting career into one that is more consistent, and has way more opportunities and bookings. 

If you're looking to be a working actor, you're in the right place.

Is The Think Tank Membership Right For Me?

I love googling sh*t. I do it all the time. You can figure out a lot of stuff that way. 


It’s impossible to build your acting business by trying to piecemeal free info you get off the internet! You'll never build a strategic holistic career that has longevity by doing that.

You don’t know who you can trust. 🥺

You don't know if the information is up to date. 😳 
You don’t know if what they’re teaching is tried, true and tested or just that one thing that one person did that one time.

If you find yourself googling things like -

    ☞ How to get more auditions
    ☞ How to build relationships with casting directors
    ☞ How to get to the next level in my acting career
    ☞ How to get an agent
    ☞ How to build my acting brand

    I invite you to try a different strategy. So......

    Can you say YES to any of the criteria below?

    You're a creative person and long for some structure.
    You’re unsure about what to do next and feel stuck.
    You’re tired of feeling frustrated and blaming the industry - you want to take your power back.
    You feel drained and like you've tried everything but you're willing to do something new.
    You've been avoiding the business side of the biz and recognize that it's not serving you any longer.
    You desire to do things differently. Your mind and heart are open.

    If so, I know you'll receive massive transformation, support and value inside The Actor's Think Tank®

    What Think Tank Members Have to Say...

    Signed with 3 Agents & Booked a Film

    Signed with her #1 Manager Choice!

    Super Confident & Booking More!

    Gamechanger in her growth & mindset

    In Prague and signed with US agent!

    Here's What I Promise You...

    By definition a Think Tank is:  

    a group of experts who are brought together to develop ideas and give advice on a particular subject.

     ✅ Yes, I am leading this Think Tank. 
     ✅ Yes, I’ve been developing ideas and testing strategies since 2008.
     ✅ Yes, you will get my advice and knowledge.

    And notice the definition said group of experts?

    YOU are an expert in yourself and in the type of career and life you want. Know that. You are full of intelligence, instinct, and strong opinions. 🔥

    That’s who belongs in the Think Tank. 

    An actor willing to ask the simple questions and the hard ones. 🙋🏻‍♀️
    An actor ready to embrace and own all of who they are. ❤️
    An actor who believes we all rise together. 💫
    An actor who will support their fellow artists and receive support in return. 👥

    Yes, you’d be joining the Think Tank to define your brand, get an agent, get more auditions, build a networking plan, manage your mindset, etc.

    And know this... the membership is deeper than that. ✨

    I grew up with a sister who had cognitive disabilities, her mind will forever be 2 years old. Laurie was the older one. I was the bossy one. Her happiness was my goal and she completely shaped who I am as a human. My deep core values of integrity and belonging stem from my 8-year-old self yelling at the boys who’d walk by our house to make fun of her playing in the yard.

    💥 I believe in inclusion, and everyone being seen and heard. That’s at the core of who I am as an artist and a coach. 💥

    In this community you'll be seen and heard, always.

    My goal is, of course, to get you the acting career you want. That’ll happen by following my 7 Step System.

    My bigger goal is for you to have agency over your career, and feel empowered every step of the way. 💪🏻

    That is my promise to you when you are in this community
    . 🥰


    “I just wanted to write you a note of gratitude. You are remarkable! I realized during the session how much you do. By taking on the coaching role for us crazypants actorfolk, you inadvertently also become therapist, health and beauty mentor, supporter, cheerleader, ledge talker-downer, role model, and a kind of mom all wrapped in one. You have an uncanny and wonderful talent of listening to and meeting people exactly where they are, making them feel safe and seen. What you’re doing isn’t easy. All while running your own artistic career! Just wanted to let you know how much I admire and respect you for who and what you are, and I’m incredibly grateful for getting to work with you. That’s all. ”
    - Ryan Andes

    In my 20+ years of experience with coaches, directors, therapists, etc., Jodie Bentley inexplicably hits an amazing balance between role model and big sister, academic thinker and practical "down to business", aspirational goddess and in-the-trenches actor just like you and me. In the coaching marketplace, this is one of a kind.
    - Heidi Lauren Duke 

    So....Let's Get Real.

    Knowledge is power. Community is key. Your dreams and goals are too big AND too important.

    Now what?  Well, you have a choice.

    Keep on keeping on and hope and pray for a different outcome.

    Research and learn on your own slowly through trial and error. (It took me 8 years.)

    Join The Actor's Think Tank® and fast track your results without excuses, frustration or distraction.

    Seriously, if not now - when?

    You Deserve to Have the Career You Want.

    The Actor's Think Tank® IS your missing link.

    And you'll finally know what you don't know.....isn't that a relief?

    Most Popular 🔥

    The Content

    Choose this plan if you're on a budget and just want all the content, lessons, worksheets, templates and examples.

    The Complete 7 Step Working
    Actor System
    Worksheets, exercises, templates & examples for over 57 lessons!
    Go month-to-month and cancel anytime!

    Get 2 months free when you join yearly AND two other high value bonuses!


    The Community

    All the content PLUS a thriving community, bi-monthly coachings, a monthly training and a monthly strategy sesson.

    Everything in The Content
    Two LIVE Monthly Q&A Coaching
    Calls with Jodie Bentley
    Monthly LIVE Training w/Special Industry Guest 
    Monthly Goal Planning Strategy Session to Stay on Track
    Weekly Accountability Work Sessions to Stay on Track!
    Access to past Q&A Calls & Trainings
    Thriving Online Community for Ongoing Coaching & Networking
    Go month-to-month and cancel anytime!

    Get 2 months free when you join yearly AND two other high value bonuses!


    The Mastermind

    All the content, community and coaching, while you do the work in a group of 4 actors coached one-on-one by Jodie bi-weekly.

    Everything in The Community
    Work Directly with Jodie in a Small Group to Move Forward Faster
    Bi-Weekly One-on-One Coaching
    in a Group of 4 Actors Max
    Your Next Actions Defined and Strategized in Every Session 
    Log Your Progress Bi-Weekly and
    Stay Accountable 
    Private App to Ask Questions and
    Get Coached Between Sessions 
    3 Accountability Partners to Keep
    You on Track!
    A Career Coach by Your Side

    6-Month commitment required.

    Various logos for different media organization including Variety, SAG Aftra, Actors' Equity, backstage, American Theatre, CBS, Apple TV, Netflix, ABC, Hulu, Influence digest + (Top 20 Coaches in Los Angeles in 2022)

    © Copyright 2024 - Bentley Creative Inc. - All Rights Reserved