If you’ve ever read articles in Forbes or Entrepreneur on what makes successful people successful, the one common through-line is – Get up early and have a morning ritual!

Look, as an actor, artist or entrepreneur, every day is different. Giving yourself structure as you start your day will keep you grounded, sane and focused.

When I neglect my ritual because I fall prey to my excuse that “I don’t have enough time” (more on excuses in next week’s article), man do I feel it. I just feel a bit off-kilter and not as grounded and focused as I would like.

A morning ritual includes tasks or activities for your mind, body, and spirit, to get you geared up for your day, so you’ll be centered and productive—no matter what curve balls get tossed your way.

Your ritual gets to be :

  • Filled with Value
  • Intentional
  • Realistic
  • A priority
  • Consistent

You already perform rituals in your life every day—whether you’re aware of it or not.

How you brush your teeth and get ready in the morning is a ritual.

How you get ready for bed is a ritual.

How you drive to your day job is a ritual.

In fact, I bet you already have a morning ritual and you’re just not thinking of it that way… yet.

So, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What is your current morning ritual/routine?
  2. What is working in this current routine?
  3. How do you want to feel from your morning ritual?
  4. What would you like to accomplish in your morning ritual?

Calculate how long each piece of your ritual will take and then you can wake up accordingly based on how long everything will take.

I get up at 6:45am, allow myself the joy of pressing the snooze button once as I cuddle with my hubby, and then have a 2.5-hour morning ritual to be able to start my workday at 10:00am. I meditate, journal, workout, walk my dog, make my protein shake, drink it (of course), take my vitamins, shower, and connect with my accountability partner.

Now look, life has a way of intruding, doesn’t it? One day you’ll have a morning audition, or you’ll need to be on set (yay!), or you stayed up too late the night before and fitting in that ritual might be challenging.

Set yourself up for success and create 3 versions of your ritual!

Option A – This is your ideal version.

Option B  – A shorter of your morning ritual for those days when the time doesn’t allow the full version. Keep the habits going, just truncate it!

Option C –  A simple bare bones version of your morning ritual for those days when time is even more limited.

Give yourself the gift of consistency daily. I guarantee a feeling of centered ease ❤️

Since working with Jodie, I’ve had CD’s say “I love your look, you know what your doing!” I followed her marketing strategy for finding representation and within an hour of my first email blast, I had 5 meetings set up. Two weeks later, I was signed with a new agent, new commercial agent and my first manager! Every one of my meetings said my press kit was perfect to my brand and they knew exactly what they wanted to do with me.
Angela Dirksen