As a nation, as a world, we are grieving.

When the stay at home orders came in and we watched as our entertainment industry shut down and started to realize the impact that had on our livelihoods as actors, I found that people began falling into one of two categories:

1.The Do-er

Some folks revved into high gear and threw themselves into action. Actors started building home studios right away, friends of mine started learning Italian, guitar and keto baking all at the same time, people had their houses organized in a matter of days, etc.

2. The Be-er

On the flip side of the above, others downshifted. They retreated, slowed down, felt their feelings, slept, and wept.

Being part of the former group, I find myself now in group #2. And clients of mine that could barely get out of bed are motivated beyond belief. Why is that?

Because we all process grief differently for our own being and sanity! There’s no right or wrong way to process feelings or emotions. You are where you are and that is the exact right path for YOU. Cry when you need to cry, get mad when you need to get mad, and take action when you need to take action.

When someone starts to ‘should’ on you with what they’re doing or how they’re processing, just politely smile over Zoom or from 6 feet away and do YOU! This is going to be a long journey. Take it at your pace.

About a month ago (which feels like a ZILLION years), I launched a 5 Day Actor Challenge in my FB Group.

After the challenge I took down the videos. For those of you who are now in DO-ER mode, I wanted to post my Day 1 Challenge Video here.

If you’re looking to build your acting business during this downtime, branding is the foundation, the pivotal piece off which you build EVERYTHING. If you have any questions, then go to my FB group and post away – I’m in there daily!

Day 1 Video of my 5 Day Actor Challenge – BRANDING
Click HERE to download the Day 1 Branding exercise!

Want to dig deeper into developing your Brand?

Get a FREE 5 Day Trial to the The Actor’s Think Tank Membership

In my latest webinar with 2 agents and a casting director, all of them said, be ready. Be ready for when we’re back.

Now is the perfect time to focus on all the business stuff that you’ve either been putting off or haven’t had time for.

  • build your brand
  • tweak your marketing materials
  • refine your casting profiles
  • overhaul your IMDb
  • do industry research
  • create your headshot looks for your shoot this summer
  • build your productivity systems
  • create a social media strategy
  • establish a contact management system
  • craft your 30-second blurb
  • design your agent/manager strategy

Sooo….I’ve reopened registration to my VIP membership program,The Actors Think Tank.

For the first time, I’m offering a Free 5 Day Trial so you can explore what it is, see the value and feel the support.

After that, membership is only $40/month.

When you join, you also get a monthly group coaching call over Zoom, a group monthly training on a specialized topic and you can ask as MANY questions as you want in the VIP FB group.

I’m here for you. Get your free trial HERE.